Every athlete`s career goes through ups and downs and, together with them, agents and sports clubs. We have experienced it first hand and we know how important good advice is when you are striving to achieve full potential.
Exista momente bune si mai putin bune in cariera fiecarui sportiv, la fel si in cazul agentilor si cluburilor sportive. Am experimentat acest lucru personal si intelegem importanta sfaturilor bune, atunci cand se doreste atingerea potentialului maxim.
There are many situations in which an athlete doesn`t know what the next step in their career should be, feels that they haven`t been properly represented, or the agent representing the athlete has pursued their own interests. Then there are situations in which the agent hasn`t received their commission, or their proposals weren`t considered by the sports club. Or situations in which athletes do not respect their contractual obligations towards the sports club, agents don`t respect their contracts with the club, withhold information regarding the athletes and ask for supplementary commissions.
Sunt multe situatii in care un sportiv nu stie care este urmatorul pas in cariera, nu a fost reprezentat in mod corect, sau in care agentul si-a urmarit propriile interese. De asemenea, exista situatii in care agentul nu isi incaseaza comisionul, sau propunerile sale nu sunt ascultate de catre clubul sportiv. Sau situatii in care sportivii nu isi respecta obligatiile contractuale fata de clubul sportiv, agentii nu isi respecta contractul cu clubul, ascund informatii referitoare la sportiv si cer comisioane suplimentare.
The participants in sports activities need to know their rights and obligations, to be aware when their rights are respected or not, to understand when they are wrong, to ask for and expect what they are entitled to.
Participantii la activitatea sportiva trebuie sa isi cunoasca drepturile si obligatiile, sa fie constienti cand le sunt respectate sau nu drepturile, sa inteleaga cand nu au dreptate, sa isi adapteze pretentiile si asteptarile la ceea ce sunt indreptatiti sa primeasca.
Our goal is to create a healthy environment for high-performance sports activities so that everyone involved - athletes, coaches, agents, sports clubs - can benefit from fairness, predictability, safety, and legality. We solve problems faced by participants in their sports activities.
Obiectivul nostru este de a crea un mediu sanatos pentru activitatea sportiva de performanta, astfel incat toate partile implicate - sportivi, antrenori, agenti, cluburi sportive - sa beneficieze de corectitudine, predictabilitate, siguranta si legalitate. Detinem solutia pentru rezolvarea problemelor pe care le intampina participantii la activitatea sportiva.